Teren de Golf Breaza – Organizari Evenimente Valea Prahovei

Golf Course

Covering an area of 24 acres, the golf course is a natural subalpine field, with short distances, having 9 courses and and index of 58 par, being considered a golf course with a high degree of difficulty, respectively 8/10. Thanks to these characteristics, the field is agreed by both adanvced players and beginners, having avilable to them spaces for training, respectively patting, indoor driving range and bunker.

Also, the field has the only course of pitch & putt from the country.


The golf season opens annually in April and ends in November.

The competitive calendar includes competitions organized by the Lac de Verde Golf Club and invitational competitions sponsored by companies or individuals.

For more details you can find here the Competitive Calendar of 2019!

Participants Registration 

You can sign up for the tournaments using the AM.GOLF platform or the golf@lacdeverde.ro address.


Green fees

The golf course covers 24 acres, having 9 courses and an index of 58 par, being a real challenge for both beginners and advanced players.

  • Course access 9 weekend cups: 100 lei (non-members)
  • Course access 9 cups from Monday to Thursday: 70 lei (non-members)
  • Course access 18 weekend cups: 150 lei (non-members)
  • Course access 18 cups from Monday to Thursday: 110 lei (non-members)


  • Mobile golf rental: 40 ron / 9 cups or 60 lei / 18 cups
  • Trolley rental: 10 ron / 9 cups or 15 lei / 18 cups
  • Bag rental: 35 lei


Being a member of Lac de Verde Golf Club means being a member of a friendly community, of a complex and unique concept, of a memorable experience: Lac de Verde – Golf & Leisure Resort.

Elegant, noble, without the violent confrontations of the other sports, golf is a harmonious sport with a discreet charm, which attracts people of various ages, passionate about the game.